International Development
Enterprise Associates

Seminar on Investment Projects
May 28 to June 8, 2001, Washington, D.C.

International Development Enterprise Associates (IDEA)
in collaboration with
the American University Department of Economics

Seminar Objectives
The objective of this seminar is for participants to learn the state-of-the-art techniques of project analysis, appraisal, financing, management, supervision, and evaluation. At the completion of the seminar, participants should be familiar with the full sequence of pre-investment, appraisal, financing, management, and supervision activities of projects, as well as being able to utilize discounting techniques and present value calculations for project selection and investment decision making.

Seminar Description
The seminar will have a duration of two weeks and it will be held on the campus of American University in Washington, D.C., from May 28 to June 8, 2001. Residence facilities (single-occupancy dormitory rooms) will be provided to house the seminar participants on campus. The seminar will have a total of 60 hours of classroom activity -- presentations, discussions, exchange of experiences, exercises, workshops and case studies. The daily schedule will be from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the morning and from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the afternoon, from Monday through Friday. On the weekend between sessions, tours will be arranged for participants to get to know Washington and to provide opportunities for shopping.

Seminar Participants
The seminar is designed for upper-level professionals and executives from both public and private sector institutions, employed by development banks, commercial banks, investment funds, auditing firms, insurance companies, project agencies, pre-investment funds and other financial and technical institutions involved in the appraisal, preparation, financing, management, monitoring and supervision of project loans and equity investments. The seminar is designed for a maximum of 26 participants. The nominated candidate should be involved in project work. Preference in the selection will be given to candidates who are currently involved in project development and who have responsibility for making project investment decisions.

Nomination of Participants
"Application for Admission" forms can be printed out by clicking on the link at the bottom of this page. This form should be submitted to IDEA by April 6, 2001. Nominating institutions should also fax or e-mail to IDEA the name, position, and age of their candidate prior to this date as soon as they have reached a decision on the selection. Applications received after the deadline will only be considered if the seminar is not yet oversubscribed. The application must be signed by the candidate and by the nominating official of the employing institution. Since the seminar will be conducted in English, participants must be fluent in English to be able to benefit from the seminar and to contribute to it in a meaningful way.

Selection of Participants
Final selection of participants will be made by a joint IDEA Admissions Committee. In making the selection, the Admissions Committee will take into account, among other things, the present position of the candidates, their experience, the relevance of their duties to the seminar, their level of responsibility, their personal and professional qualifications and their command of English. Given the objective to increase the involvement of women in development, female participants are encouraged to apply. Particular weight will be given to the statements of the nominating official (on page 1 of the application form, and the essay of the candidate on page 2) explaining the reasons for the nomination and the benefits expected from the seminar. The number of nominations received is usually larger than the number of participants that can be selected. The Admissions Committee will complete the selection by April 13, 2001. The nominating institutions and candidates will be notified of the selection immediately by fax or e-mail.

Administrative Arrangements
The organizers of the seminar require that in making nominations, participants' agencies agree that participants will be given leave of absence and receive their regular salary as though they were working on a full-time basis at their office, in accordance with generally applicable regulations of the institution concerned; and further, that participants will not be given extracurricular assignments which would prevent them from devoting their full time and attention to participate in the activities of the seminar. Participants are expected to study readings, discuss cases, and complete exercises in the evenings after classes.

Participants are to attend all sessions on a prompt and regular basis. Absence is permitted only for reasons of illness and other purposes approved by the seminar director. Only the first Wednesday afternoon, Saturday and Sunday are free for attending to personal business. In addition, this seminar requires, because of its intensive and interactive nature, that participants be present for its entire duration from the first to the last day. Neither a late arrival nor early departure is acceptable.

Participants are asked to arrive in Washington on Saturday, May 26, and they will be required to vacate their dormitory rooms by noon on Saturday, June 9. They can arrange for their departure to return home on any flight leaving after 7:00 p.m. on Friday, June 8. Certificates are awarded to each participant at the end of the seminar. Participants leaving before the closing of the seminar, or those who miss more than one day of classes without good reason, due to university regulations, will not be awarded a certificate.

The participants or their nominating institutions will bear the transportation costs from their home to Washington, D.C., USA, and return. The written notification that the candidate has been selected for participation will normally serve as sufficient documentation for obtaining a visa from the U.S. Embassy for travel to the USA. Should this not suffice, please contact IDEA immediately by fax or e-mail.

Housing will be available starting on Saturday, May 26, and ending on Saturday noon, June 9. If participants wish to stay in more comfortable quarters with full service in a hotel off-campus, they should advise IDEA early and be prepared to pay for the full cost of the hotel room. For those who wish to stay in the dormitory beyond June 9, assistance will be provided for making arrangements for their extended visit in Washington or other places in the USA at their own expense.

Seminar Fee
For all seminar expenses (cost of instruction, classroom facilities, staff support, extracurricular activities, excursions, dormitory accomodation, and local transportation) a seminar fee of U.S. $2,750.00 is charged. To receive confirmation of acceptance for attendance of the seminar, an advance payment of U.S. $1,000.00 is due by April 24, 2001. Payment should be made by check, payable to: International Development Enterprise Associates (IDEA); or by wire transfer to: Citibank F.S.B., P.O. Box 18967, Washington, D.C., 20036-0967, USA, ABA No. 254070116, for the account of International Development Enterprise Associates (IDEA), Account No. 66591694, telephone (1)(800) 926-1067. The payment of the remaining balance of U.S. $1,750.00 is due, also payable to IDEA, no later than the first day of the seminar on May 28, 2001.

Other Expenses
Since the seminar fee will only cover seminar activities, the participant's institution should provide additional funds to participants in U.S. Dollars to meet other costs, particularly food, laundry and miscellaneous expenses, in line with their institutions' standard policy.

Sources of Finance
For individuals and institutions seeking financial support to pay for the cost of this seminar, scholarships and grants may be available from international financial agencies, foundations, bilateral donors and technical cooperation programs. In particular, inquiries can be made with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the World Bank, IFC, Regional Development Banks, preinvestment funds, donor agencies, and National Development and Training Programs. Other sources include the Asia Foundation; Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA); Gulf Cooperation Council; ECOWAS; European Community Fund for Technical Assistance (TACIS); FAO; Ford Foundation; Soros Foundation; Institute for International Education (IIE); UNIDO; and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.

Click here to print out an Application Form for the Seminar on Investment Projects

Additional copies of this Announcement and the Application Form are available from IDEA in Washington. If you have any questions regarding the seminar, please contact one of the agencies listed below.

International Development Enterprise Associates (IDEA)
P.O. Box 57467
Washington, D.C. 20037, USA
Telephone: (1-202) 244-7931; (1-301) 762-0133
Fax: (1-301) 762-4542
E-mail: or

World Association of Trainers in Development (WATD)
P.O. Box 57467
Washington, D.C. 20037, USA
Telephone: (1-202) 244-7931; (1-301) 762-0133
Fax: (1-301) 762-4542

American University (AU)
Department of Economics
Roper Hall 200
Washington, D.C. 20016, USA
Telephone: (1-202) 885-2707; 885-3770
Fax: (1-202) 885-3790

Click here to print out an Application Form for the Seminar on Investment Projects

Updated: August 5, 2000